Show HN: Cosmic – Headless CMS and API toolkit v2.0 - Advance Tips And Tricks For PC


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Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Show HN: Cosmic – Headless CMS and API toolkit v2.0

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Show HN: Cosmic – Headless CMS and API toolkit v2.0
Hello HN, I’m Tony, the CEO of Cosmic (YC W19). We just released Cosmic 2.0. This release is the result of two years of dedicated work by our team which we are proud to share with you. Our new website: Documentation: . Sign up for the new Cosmic dashboard ( ). Free plans available. Cosmic is an API-first (headless) CMS that offers a web dashboard to create content and API tools to deliver content to any website or app. Our customers use Cosmic to avoid the pain of building and maintaining their own content management infrastructure. (We originally launched on HN in 2019 ) Problem: I started building Cosmic back in 2014. As a full stack web developer working at a web design and development agency, I found it tedious to build each project with the same open-source tech stack (WordPress), performing the same plugin installation, configuration set up, hosting, etc. Plus, I found that we would run into the same issues after a website was finished: clients would blow up their website by installing a rouge plugin, constant battles with bot armies, and other limitations with developing on a monolithic CMS website. Solution: I thought, “wouldn’t it be great to have a single easy-to-use dashboard interface to manage content, and dedicated API endpoints to deliver content to any website or app, regardless of tech stack or device? The result would be a website that is lighter, faster, and more secure.” Then began developing the solution I wanted. Cosmic was born, and it satisfied my needs. I then let others try it. They would build stuff using Cosmic, break stuff, I would fix it, they would break something else, rinse and repeat. Eventually I met others who were willing to work on the problem with me… Cosmic 2.0 Fast forward to today, after years of building, talking to customers, getting lots of feedback, and from that learning, building a brand new version of Cosmic that, we as a team, are really proud of. Rebuilt from the ground up, Cosmic 2.0 aims to satisfy the same needs that I had years ago: provide an intuitive dashboard to create content and powerful tools to deliver content to any website or app. Some notable improvements and new features include: 1. Overall faster, more responsive dashboard experience. 2. New JavaScript SDK 3. Darkmode theme option. 4. Stricter Object type modeling and more types including video, audio, color picker, emoji, and more. 5. Content folders for better content organization. 6. Global search dashboard command palette (Command + k). Along with a new dashboard, we’ve got a brand new website, rebuilt from the ground up using: - Next.js - TypeScript - Tailwind CSS - Content managed by Cosmic (of course! We are dog-fooding our own CMS) Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below!

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